Sabtu, 07 Juni 2008

Japanese Wedding Dresses: Ancient Japanese Dress

In ancient times in Japan, the Japanese Court copied Chinese court dress. Japanese clothing from as far back as the Han Dynasty (200 bce - 200 ce) in China greatly resembled Chinese dress. This is not surprizing since the Japanese were known to have established a vigorous trade with their continental neighbours.

During the Sui and Tang dynasties (late 6th to early 10th centuries), Chinese culture provided a model for civilization throughout the Far East. In the seventh century, Japan aspired to empirehood. Previously, Japan had been a loose collection of clans. Now it strived to become like its big sister to the West. Clan leaders were gradually persuaded to declare fealty to a central figure in exchange for the coloured caps and gowns of royal rank. Clothing, shoes, hairstyles and paintings of the period all reflect Sui and Tang styles.

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